I have two adult daughters. The oldest was compliant and the younger was strong willed. In parenting the compliant child and thought I was pretty good at parenting. Then my strong willed child was born. Very early I realized she was "headstrong". I used to say that if I told my older child not to go out into the road because a car might hit her she would say then I better not do that. When I told the younger child the same thing she would go out into the road and say see you are wrong, no car is hitting me.
I certainly have many war stories about this child but the bottom line is this. There are two things about raising strong willed kids. Strong willed children need to make their own decisions. The other things is that you have to pick your battles and allow natural consequences to ensue. That does not imply the kids get to have the power. I am all about parents having the power, not the kids. If you start early enough you give your strong willed child choices. For Example, "You may have a drink of juice or water. When they get to decide the conflict does not have to ensue. Parents get into trouble because they want the child to do whatever "because I said so". The goal must be to get the outcome you intend. It does not have to be a straight line. You have to be able to come at it from a different direction. I thought I should have just been able to tell her something and she would do it. It should not have been difficult to say it cold out you should wear a coat. One day I decided to not take on this battle and she went to school without her coat. The teachers would not let her go outside at recess. She came home and asked, "How can I decide for myself if I need to wear a coat?" From that day on she got up in the morning and turned on the 'television to see that weather to decide how she should dress. She had to make her own decisions.
Strong willed kids can grow up to be strong adults that do not get run over. The trick is to not break their spirit. It is frustrating to raise a strong willed child no matter what approach you take. Therefore it makes more sense to give them choices and stay out of the power struggle.
Good luck and don't loose your sense of humor. Sherri