Yesterday I wrote about dating. I realized that I want to talk about dating and critical thinking as a way for the teens to learn about themselves. Don't tell them this but teenage dating is really about learning about relationships and how to be in a dating relationship. In this way they can then be better prepared in the future when they are really looking for a life partner.
A part of this process is to learn about one's self. You learn about what you like in a relationship, how to function in a relationship, and why this makes a difference, among other things. As we watch and guide our teens thorough this process we want to be curious about things they like and don't like. Due to this high incident of abuse today in adolescent relationships we need to address those issues and help them see that this is a dangerous area and give them tools for handling and avoiding this. We can talk with them about how certain things make them feel. Maybe a young lady loves it when her date opens doors for her or may be she hates this. All this is information for her.
All during this child's life we have guided them through new things. Do you remember learning to tie shoes? We had to teach them how to make a bed. When they get a driver's license we were very active in teaching them to drive. I don't think dating should be left to chance.
So, ask inquiring questions. Caution, carefully, about dangers. When we go into lecture we loose them. When something seems wrong to us, ask about his they feel about that thing. Be a guide asking good questions. And as always give lots and lots of positive feedback.
Good luck. Sherri
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