This month marks many graduation celebrities in high schools and colleges. Students and their families are excited about the ending of this phase of their life. Many people look ahead with anticipation; and may also look back with longing about the past.
How should we help our family move forward in a positive way at graduation time? Reminiscing about the past experiences is healthy and should be done. Talking with each other - looking at old photos - and remembering the fun times as well as the challenging times is a good way for family members to look at this transition time. Talking about the future and the positive things we may experience as we move forward is very helpful for young adults embarking on work or further education.
Dr. Seuss says it best in "Oh, the Places You'll Go". he talks about the excitement in moving forward in life and all the happiness to come. But he also talks about the Bang-Ups and Hang-Ups people face.
Reassure your young adult that there will be bumps in the road, and that you will be there to help them navigate them.
Dr. Debra
Posted by: Irrarkgog | 07/16/2011 at 04:28 AM